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Tank Expert Reacts to Tanks In Games

On this episode of Expert Reacts, we're joined by Paul ‘Fam’ Famojuro from the Tank Museum in the UK, which houses the biggest collection of tanks in the world.

He'll be breaking down a variety of video game tanks, from Warhammer 40,000's Leman Russ and Baneblade and the Automaton tanks in Helldivers 2, to more historical examples like Tiger 131 in World of Tanks, or the L3 in War Thunder.

Tank Museum website:

Tank Museum YouTube:

Tank Museum on TikTok:

Squad clips from MoiDawg -

Show Info

Expert Reacts

Expert Reacts

Airs Weekly

GameSpot’s take on the popular ‘Reacts’ Youtube Format. The series follows various experts in their field, such as Mark “Billy” Billingham who served in The British SAS, David Rawlings a Sword Master and founder of the London Longsword Academy, and Jacob