20th Anniversary of Doom 3. Which Doom was better?

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Poll 20th Anniversary of Doom 3. Which Doom was better? (5 votes)

Better than Doom 1 and 2 but worse than the last two Doom. 0%
Worse than Doom 1 and 2 but better than the last two Doom. 100%
Best Doom ever! 0%
No Caption Provided

This week marks the 20th Anniversary of Doom 3. Yes, you are officially old. I remember when Doom 3 came out I grabbed the Special Edition PC Gamer magazine. It really had elevated PC Graphics to a new level with better textures, with dynamic lighting and shadows. Came close to "photo realistic" in certain cases. Game looked stunning an GeForce 6800 Ultra. All these 3 years before Crysis came out. Another level of graphics Carmack brought. I wouldn't say it's be best Doom out their I think ID nailed the spookiness factor with the level design. I just thought not putting the flashlight on the gun was kinda of stupid although it brought panic and mayhem when shooting at enemies and having to switch between flashlight and the gun.

With respect to how it stands in the Doom trilogy . I would put it in two eras. One era after Doom 1 and 2 came out and the other era after the 2016 Doom Reboot. So, I would put it as better than Doom 1 and 2 although those two games being revolutionary at it's time. But I definitely think 2016 DOOM and it's sequel are better than Doom 3.

What do you guys think?

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#1 PfizersaurusRex
Member since 2012 • 1511 Posts

Doom 3 was a good thrill. It still looks pretty decent. It's cuz they did things right and didn't cut corners. The new Dooms are more fitting for me today, when I get back from work and just want to kill every living creature. XD

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#2 uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 60595 Posts

@PfizersaurusRex: Do love that early 2000's Fear/Doom 3 sharp hard lighting look. Nice aesthetic.

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#3 BassMan
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Doom 3 did its own thing back then. It had some good atmosphere, but it relied too much on jump scares.