Namco announces a new Mr. Driller game for the GameCube.
This minimalist puzzle game offers a clean, simple aesthetic and plays with your perspective.
“I can see the signs in my sleep now, always guiding me closer. Will this really work? Have we almost achieved the impossible?
Q.U.B.E. 2 is the sequel to the hit first-person puzzle game Q.U.B.E. You are Amelia Cross, a stranded archaeologist who has awoken among the ruins of an ancient alien landscape. ...
Intelligent Qube is simple, fun, and horribly addictive.
Q.U.B.E. is a first-person, singleplayer game that begins in a sterile, white cubic environment.
Mr. Driller is a cute and quirky puzzler that lacks the variety to make it a long-term contender for your attention like a Puzzle Fighter or Tetris would. At a ...
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